Appeal Description
Your Zakat: Where the greatest need exists.
You do more than merely help someone when you pay your Zakat. You provide hope and comfort to individuals who are trying to stay alive.
Don’t just meet your requirement this year; let Lillah Caring Charity Uganda help you realize the full potential of your Zakat.
Yet you shall duly establish the Prayer. And you shall give the Zakât-Charity, and therewith lend God a most goodly loan. For whatever good you advance for your souls, you shall find its reward with God in the Hereafter; yet it shall be far better and much greater in reward (Sûrat Al-Muzzammil, 73:20).
Donate now and you’ll be able to maximize the impact of your contribution.
We will make certain that your Zakat benefits mankind and provides people with the essential human rights they are entitled to.